“European” ;-) International KinoKabarets
Join the big open filmmaking kino-community. Basically we gather international talents and enable them to make short films at workshops for the cinema premieres under extreme time pressure with available resources in a collaborative spirit to overcome perfectionism. While I focus on Europe, I also list a few events beyond my continent.
The Kino-Movement was founded in Montreal, Canada, in 1999 by 20 film students and graduates. It thrives under this motto: "Do well with nothing, do better with little, and do it right now!" There are kino-cells on many continents now, but no central structure coordinates the autarc chapters. Chaos reigns and crystallizes at the KinoKabarets into a myriad of hectic short films of many genres, usually spontaneous and rough exercises for a public screening deadline. Afterwards most films are discarded into the internet. But a few better movies have conquered prestigious physical film festivals and spread the love.
KinoKabarets are usually open for every cast or crew talent (true to the original kino philosophy of no-budget micro-cinema) until event capacity is reached. But do your audience a favor and write or get good doable screenplays anyway! Some events pick the film directors themselves. We always encourage film talents to register very early and get cheap flights!
Events in French-speaking regions or countries tend to attract people with a slight reluctance to speak English. All other Kabarets are open for English to include all foreigners and create a communicative atmosphere. However, actors should be allowed to perform in their native tongue to retain a certain quality in the films, if you intend to distribute them.
If you are looking for the regular Open Short Film Screening dates of each group, please navigate their own websites. Many of them premiere any kind of short film on a regular (monthly) basis to attract local filmmakers and audiences. We recruit fresh blood for our movement in Berlin as well.
This calendar has been maintained by Dave Lojek since 2015. Dave is the manager of KinoBerlino, a veteran kinoïte (with 107 KinoKabarets under his belt so far) and award-winning director. If you like this calendar page, kindly share it! (I'm no web-designer, hence the simple unappealing look.)
If you are a European kino-kabaret-manager and want your event to be listed here, write us an email: kinoberlino(ät)gmail.com - You need a functioning website in English with all the information and a link to your kabaret online-registration form. Make sure not to overlap your event dates with any others that occupy a certain time slot in that calendar. Consult the other kinoites in the beginning of each year and check the previous years to avoid splitting the target audience. Kinokabarets are popular, so the international mix of participants makes us thrive and evolve.
One kino cell per city is enough, please. Refrain from creating competing Kino cells in the same cities! Instead communicate with the original kinoites and integrate. We try to stay loyal to the ones who came first.
Also refrain from politicizing the community with minority hipster issues or distorting languages. We are filmmakers, not activists. Consult printed dictionaries from before the wokeness era, if you are unsure about pronouns and plural forms of occupations or groups.
KINO CAEN, France: 8. - 11. January 2025 (Weekend KinoMerveilles. Register here)KINO BRXL Brussels, Belgium: 14. - 16. February 2025 (register here in French for Kino Loose)
KINO D Dublin, Ireland: 7. - 9. March 2025 (Weekend session. Register here)
KINO CAEN, France: 27. March - 4. April 2025 (registration opens for a few seconds on February 23 at 6 PM)
Kino Rôse Toulouse, France: 13. - 21. April 2025 (register here)
KINO SESSION Bordeaux. France: 23. - 31. May (register here in French)
KINO DATSCHE Leipzig, Germany: 20. - 27. August 2025 (10th edition)
Kino RôseToulouse, France: 18. - 25. February 2024 (register here)
VASTARANNAN KINO Rovaniemi, Finland: 22. - 25. February 2024 (register here for Post-Apocalyptic Valentine Polar Night edition)
KINO CAEN, France: 7. - 9. March 2024 (Weekend Kino Love. Register here)
KINO BRXLBrussels, Belgium: 15. - 19. April 2024 (Fantastic themes. Register here)
KINO BARCELONA, Spain: 10. - 12. May 2024 (Register here)
HAMBURGERKINO, Germany: 15. - 25. May 2024 (20-years-edition, register from March 15)
KINO CAEN, France: 16. - 23. May 2024CANCELLED
FILMONIKMelbourne, Australia: 17. - 20. May 2024 (Register here)
KINO MTPBuzignargues near Montpellier, France: 18. - 20. May 2024 (register here)
KINO DDublin, Ireland: 31. May - 2. June 2024 (register here) Mini-Kabaret
KINO MILANO, Italy: 21. - 23. June (register via email provided on the website) Mini-Kabaret
KINO D Dublin, Ireland: 21. - 23. June 2024 (register here) Mini-Kabaret
KINO SESSION Bordeaux, France: 21. - 23. June (register here) Mini-Kabaret in French
KINO TLV Tel Aviv, Israel: 28. - 29. June 2024 (register here) Mini-Kabaret
KINO AVOBLOAvon, France: 5. - 7. July 2024 (register here) Mini-Kabaret
KINO ARTS ET ESSAISParis, France: 11. - 14. July 2024 (first time) Mini-Kabaret
KINO MIRABILIS Metz, France: 12. - 14. July (register here) first time - Mini-Kabaret
KINO ST-KAZIMIRPortneuf, Québec, Canada: 8. - 10. August (Register here in French) Mini-Kabaret
KINO DATSCHELeipzig, Germany: 15. - 21. August 2024 (register here 80 % are booked)
KINO D Dublin, Ireland: 16. - 18. August 2024 (register here) Mini-Kabaret
KINO PYRÉNÉUS Siradan, France: 18. - 24. August 2024
KINO OFF PROVENCE Manosque, France: 22. - 24. August (register here) Weekend Kabaret
KINO EUPHORIA Helsinki, Finland: 23. - 25. August 2023 (register here) Mini Kabaret
OFF COURTSTrouville, France: 7. - 13. September 2024 (Registration for 40 directors closed July 5)
Prishtina Kabaretvia PriFest, Kosovo: 10. - 15. September (talents under 25 from the West-Balkans register here)
KINO3000Saint-Étienne, France: 14. - 21. September 2024 (Register here in French)
KINO D feat. Westmeath Filmmakers Mullingar, Ireland: 18. - 21. September 2024 (register here)
BIEKINO Bielefeld, Germany: 20. - 22. September 2024 - Mini-Kabaret (Register here)
KINO4000Liege, Belgium: 29. September - 2. October 2024 (Register here for Kino Zone's KinoFuture)
KINO RIVIERA Albenga, Italy: 16 . - 20. October 2024 (register here for your bungalow or apartment)
KINO-A Avignon, France: 18. - 20. October 2024 (Register here in French)
KINO GREEN CASTLE Compiègne, France: 18. - 27. October 2024 (register here, FIRST TIME)
KINO MADA, Îles de la Madeleine, France: 24. October - 2. November 2024 (registration closed September 10)
KINO BARCELONA, Spain: 25. - 27. October 2024 (register here)
KINO LYON, France: 28. October - 3. November 2024 (pre-register here)
KINO GENT Nogent-le-Rotrou, France: 31. October - 3. November 2024
VASTARANNAN KINO Rovaniemi, Finland: 31. October - 3. November 2024 (register here)
KINO M Munich, Germany: 1. - 3. November 2024 (get early bird tickets until September 21)
KINO D Dublin, Ireland: 8. - 10. November 2024 (register here for the silent Mini-Kabaret with live music)
KINO TLVTel Aviv, Israel: 13. - 14. December 2024 (register here) Mini-Kabaret
QUICKINOBerlin, Germany: 4. - 7. January 2023 (register here)
KINO CAEN makes KinodoK (only documentaries) France: 11. - 14. January 2023 (register here in French)
KINO D Dublin, Ireland: 27. - 29. January 2023 (register here)
KINO OBSCURE by EUPHORIA Helsinki, Finland: 17. - 19. March 2023
KINO FADAMarseille, France: 26. - 30. April 2023 (register here)
KINO BARCELONA, Spain: 28. - 30. April 2023 (register here)
KINO TOURS'N, France: 28. April - 1. May 2023 (register here)
KINO CAEN, France: 11. - 18. May 2023 (registration closed on March 12)
FILMONIK Melbourne, Australia: 12. -15. May 2023 (register here)
KINO D Dublin, Ireland: 19. - 21. May 2023 (register here) Spring Weekend
KINO LILLE, France: 20. - 21. May 2023 in French
HAMBURGERKINO, Germany: 26. May - 3. June 2023
KINO EUPHORIAHelsinki, Finland: 6. - 15. July 2023 (register here)
KINOFABRIK Basel, Switzerland: 30. July - 5. August 2022 (register here)
KINO MOUTARDE Morvan, France: 6. - 12. August 2023
KINO D Dublin, Ireland: 11. - 20. August (buy the "Golden Ticket" here) 10th Anniversary
KINO PYRÉNÉUS Siradan, France: 21. - 26. August 2023
BIEKINO Bielefeld, Germany: 25. - 27. August 2023 (register here)
OFF COURTSTrouville, France: 2. - 7. September 2023
KINO TLVTel Aviv, Israel: 8. - 9. September (Mini-Kabaret)
KINO LYON, France: 8. - 15. September 2023 (register here)
KINO ZONE 4000 Liege, Belgium: 27. September - 1. October (register here)
KINO AVOBLOAvon, France: 6. - 8. October 2023 (register here)
KINO LEE Cork, Ireland: 13. - 15. October 2023 (1st time, register here)
KINO SESSION Bordeaux, France: 13. - 15. October (register here in French)
KINO BARCELONA, Spain: 28. - 29. October 2023 (register here)
CULT of EUPHORIA Helsinki, Finland: 3. - 5. November 2023 (register here)
KINO DDublin, Ireland: 1. - 3. April 2022
KINO CAEN, France: 29. April - 6. May (Sold out after a lottery of participants)
KINO(b) Brussels: 1. - 8. May 2022 (register here in French, register in English)
LILLO KINOLille, France: 27. - 29. May (free, register by May 25 via email in French)
KINO SYDNEY (almost Europe, LOL), Australia: 3. - 6. June 2022 (register here)
KINO RED DOT Singapore, Asia: 18. - 19. June (register here)
KINOFABRIKBasel, Switzerland: 3. - 9. July 2022 (register here)
KINO BARCELONA, Spain: 12. - 16. July 2022 (register here)
KINO EUPHORIA Helsinki, Finland: 18. - 24. July 2022 (register here)
KINO CABINVuosaari, Finland: 3. - 6. August (register here)
KINO D Dublin, Ireland: 5. - 14. August (register for the "Golden Ticket" here) a full-10-days-International-Kabaret
KINO DATSCHELeipzig, Germany: 18. - 25. August 2022 (register here)
KINO PYRÉNÉUS Siradan, France: 22. - 27. August 2022 (in French)
KINO AVOBLO Avon, France: 27. - 28. August 2022
HAMBURGERKINO, Germany: 2. - 10. September 2022
KINO4000Liege, Belgium: 14. - 18. September 2022
BIEKINO Bielefeld, Germany: 30. September. - 2. October 2022
KINO TROUILLEby KINO CAEN, France: 29. - 31. October 2022 (sold out)
KINO GENT Nogent-le-Rotrou, France: 29. - 31. October 2022 (register until October 10)
KINO LILLE, France: 29. - 30. October (register here) in French
CULT of EUPHORIA Helsinki, Finland: 4. - 6. November 2022 (register here)
KINO SESSION Bordeaux, France: 4. - 6. November 2022 (register here) Space-themed in French
KINOTRIP Cachan, France: 4. - 6. November 2022 (register here) near Paris
KINO SYDNEY, Australia: 2. - 5. December 2022 (register here)
TARRAGONIK, Amposta, Spain + world: 6. - 14. February 2021 - KINO living - ONLINE FROM HOME
VISIBLES by KINO GENEVA, Switzerland + world: 16. - 23. March 2021 (ONLINE FROM HOME)
KINO EUPHORIA Helsinki, Finland + world: 13. - 15. May - KINO UTOPIA - ONLINE FROM HOME
KINO CAEN, France: 4. - 12. June 2021 (SOLD OUT)
KINO EUPHORIAHelsinki, Finland: 11. - 16. July (10th Anniversary)
KINOFABRIKBasel, Switzerland: 26. July - 1. August
KINO DATSCHE Leipzig, Germany: 5. - 11. August
HAMBURGERKINO, Germany: 13. -15. August (Turbo Kabaret for vaccinated people)
KINO CABINin Meriharju by KINO EUPHORIA, Finland: 20. - 22. August- POSTPONED TO SPRING 2022
KINO PRISHTINA, Kosovo @ PriFest: 24. - 28. August
KINO OFF PROVENCE Biabaux, France: 26. - 28. August (Weekend Kabaret)
KINODYNAMIQUE JENA, Germany: 25. August - 1. September
OFF COURTS Trouville, France: 3. - 11. September
KINO KARAKOLSan Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México: 6. - 12. September 2021
KINO PIRATE CLUB Liege, Belgium: 12. - 20. September
BIEKINO Bielefeld, Germany: 1. - 3. October
KINO DDublin, Ireland: 22. - 24. October (register here)
KINO LILLE, France: 29. - 31. October (in French)
KINO BARCELONA, Spain: 29. October - 1. November (register here)
KINO GENT Nogent-le-Rotrou, France: 30. October - 1. November
KINO GENEVA, Switzerland, 11. - 24. January 2020 (Number 6)KINO GALICIA, Santiago de Compostela, Spain: 10. - 18. February 2020 (2nd time)KINO OBSCURE / EUPHORIA, Helsinki, Finland: 21. - 23. FebruaryKINO D Dublin, Ireland: 28. February - 1. March - weekend kabaret • submit scripts by February 17TARRAGONIK, Amposta, Spain: 28. February - 1. March (Lo Nostre Kino, local edition)KINO CAEN, France: 27. March - 3. April- CANCELLED because of the Corona Virus PandemicKINO GENTNogent-le-Rotrou, France: 11. - 13. April- CANCELLED because of the Corona Virus PandemicKINO TLV, Tel Aviv, Israel:CANCELLED because of the Corona Virus PandemicKINO BUDAPEST, Hungary: 16. - 25. April- CANCELLED because of the Corona Virus PandemicKINO RED DOT- online fb screening during the CORONA PANDEMIC: April 29KINO TIME St. Petersburg - online festival stream during the CORONA PANDEMIC: April 30KINO BARCELONA, Spain: 30. April - 3. May - POSTPONED because of the Corona Virus PandemicKINO CADIZ, Spain: 1. - 8. May (1st time, spawn of QuicKino)- CANCELLED because of the Corona Virus PandemicHAMBURGERKINO, Germany: 9. - 16. May (No. 18)- CANCELLED because of the Corona Virus PandemicKINO DATSCHELeipzig, Germany: 18. - 24. May (6th time) - POSTPONED to autumn because of the Corona Virus PandemicTARRAGONIK, Amposta, Spain: 20. - 28. June - KINO living - ONLINE FROM HOME (more information is here)CHATO'KINO Chateau-Gontier, FranceCANCELLED because of the Corona Virus PandemicKINO EUPHORIAHelsinki, Finland: 17. - 24. July- CANCELLED because of the Corona Virus Pandemic
KINO TIMESt. Petersburg, Russia: 24. - 29. July (2nd time • postponed from May to July because of Coronavirus Pandemic)KINOFABRIK Basel, Switzerland: 27. July - 1. AugustKINOBERLINO, Germany: 3. - 13. September 2020 (No. 16 )- CANCELLED because of the Corona Virus PandemicOFF COURTSTrouville, France: 5. - 10. SeptemberKINO MMXXLiege, Belgium: 14. - 20. SeptemberKINO AVOBLOAvon, France: 25. - 27. SeptemberCULT OF EUPHORIA, Helsinki, Finland: 15. - 18. OctoberKINO PORQUEROLLES, France: 18. - 25. October (in French)KINO LILLE, France: 30. October - 1. November (in French)KINO MULHOUSE (Mühlhausen), France: 4. - 6. December (CANCELLED because of the Corona Virus Pandemic)
KINO MMunich, Germany: 25. - 27. January
TARRAGONIK, Amposta, Catalonia, Spain: 8. - 10. February
KINO EUPHORIA, Helsinki, Finland: 22. - 24. February (Mini KINO OBSCURE)
KINO TLV, Tel Aviv, Israel: 22. - 23. February (Mini-Kabaret)
KINO CAEN, France: 13. - 22. March (Number 007)
KINO POP PANAMEParis, France: 16. - 17. March (Mini-Kabaret)
KINOBITBitola, Macedonia: 2. - 8. April (2nd time, only locals)
KINO'LIMITCaen, France: 11. - 14. April (Mini-Kabaret)
KINO BRXLBrussels, Belgium: 12. - 19. April @ KIFFF
KINO LIEGE, Belgium: 14. - 20. April (one long session)
KINO BUDAPEST, Hungary: 20. - 29. April
KINO TLV Tel Aviv, Israel: 20. - 27. April (No. 7)
KINO GIENO Dresden, Germany: 25. - 28. April (No. 11)
KINO BARCELONA, Spain: 24. - 28. April (1st time, Mini-Kabaret)
KINOEATERS QUEER MEDIA Project Lublin, Poland: 1. - 6. May (free participation)
KINO MONTREAL, Canada, Quebec: 7. - 18. May (20th Anniversary Nostalgia Edition)
KINO RIVIERA Albenga, Italy: 8. - 12. May (1st time)
KINO DATSCHE Leipzig, Germany: 16. - 22. May (5th time)
KINO QUEERHelsinki, Finland: 24. - 26. May
KINO MONTPELLIER, France: 24. - 31. May
HAMBURGERKINO, Germany: 25. May - 1. June (No. 17)
KINO POP PANAMEMonthly Mini Kabaret Paris, France: 15. - 16. June
KINO NANTES, France: 19. - 22. June
TARRAGONIK Amposta, Catalonia, Spain: 27. - 30. June
KINO BELLEVILLE Paris, France: 29. June - 6. July (No. 6)
KINO AVOBOLO Avon, France: 5. - 7. July (Mini Kabaret)
KINO CAMP FLEGREINapoli, Italy: 8. - 13. July (spawn of KINO NAPOLI)
KINO EUPHORIA Helsinki, Finland: 9. - 18. July
KINO PRISHTINA Kosovo @ PriFest: 16. - 21. July
KINO GIENO Dresden, Germany: 18. - 21. July (Countryside Kabaret in tents with kino kids)
KINO5Vienna, Austria: 15. - 24. August (15th Anniversary Edition)
KINOBERLINO, Germany: 24. August - 1. September (No. 15)
KINODYNAMIQUE JENA, Germany: 1. - 8. September
HOLYMOLYLANDSt. Mullins, Carlow, Ireland: 19. - 22. September (Camping Kabaret)
KINO LILLE, France: 4. - 6. October
KINO TIRANA, Albania: 11. - 17. October (first time)
CULT OF EUPHORIA Helsinki, Finland: 18. - 20. October
KINO PORQUEROLLES, France: 20. - 27. October
KINO TOKYO, Japan: 20. - 26. October (sold out)
KINO BARCELONA, Spain: 31. October - 3. November (Halloween Session)
LUBLIN MEDIA(ex-KINOEATERS), Poland: 22. November - 1. December
KINO MMunich, Germany: 27. - 30. December
KINO NAPOLI, Italy: 26. - 28. December (Grande Vento - Mini Kabaret)
Example Film: I CAME FROM THE FUTURE by Dave Lojek
KINO GENEVA, Switzerland: 13. - 26. January (No. 5, English info)THEATROKINO Caen, France: 22. - 28. January (1st time)KINO FADA Marseille, France: 25. - 28. JanuaryKINO EUPHORIA Helsinki, Finland: 9. - 11. February
KINO POP PANAME Paris, France: 17. - 18. FebruaryKinoD Dublin, Ireland: 24. - 25. FebruaryKINOEATERS START Lublin, Poland: 9. - 11. MarchKINO CAEN, France: 16. - 23. March (Number 7)KINO CUNTRA Graz, Austria: 22. - 25. MarchKINO TLV Tel Aviv, Israel: 31. March - 6. AprilKINO BUDAPEST, Hungary: 19. - 28.AprilKINO TIME, St. Petersburg, Russia: 27. April - 3. MayKINO TOURS'N France: 27. - 30. April (in French)
KINO MONTREAL, Canada, Quebec: 30. April - 10. MayKINO DATSCHELeipzig, Germany: 17. - 23. May (No. 4)
KINO GIENO Dresden, Germany: 18. - 20. Mai (10th Anniversary)HAMBURGERKINO, Germany: 25. May - 2. June (No. 16, sold out)
KINOEATERS TURBO Lublin, Poland: 30. May - 3. June
KINO AVOBOLO Avon, France: 31. May - 6. June (1st time)
KINO BELLEVILLEParis, France: 14. - 21. June (No. 5)KINO TROGLO-VINTAGE Saumur, France: 17. - 25. June (CANCELLED)KINO NANTES, France: 21. - 24. June
KINOONIK Rotterdam & Vlaardingen, The Netherlands: 22. - 27. June (1st time)
KINO CAROLO Charleroi, Belgium: 23. June - 1. July
TARRAGONIK Balada, Tarragona, Spain: 29. June - 1. July (3rd time)
KINO EUPHORIAHelsinki, Finland: 5. - 14. July (No. 8)
CHATO'KINO Chateau-Gontier, France: 5. - 8. July
KINO STABIACastellammare, near Napoli, Italy: 15. - 21. July
KINO VARCO ROMA, Italy: 16. - 22. July (CANCELLED)
KINO PRISHTINA Kosovo @ PriFest: 17. - 22. July
CINEMA SUMEETCollogne, Germany: 27. July - 4. August
KINOEATERS RESET Lublin, Poland: 6. - 17. August
KINODYNAMIQUE JENA, Germany: 19. - 29. August
VASTARANNAN KINO Rovaniemi, Finland: 28. August - 1. September
KINOBERLINO, Germany: 1. - 9. September (incl. skill workshops | No. 14)
OFF COURTS Trouville, France: 7. - 14. SeptemberKINO(b)Brussels, Belgium: 17. - 23. September
FILMONIK Melbourne, Australia: 20. - 23. September @ Fringe Festival
KINO POP PANAME, Paris, France: 22. - 29. September
KINO PALERMO, Italy: 24. - 30. September
KINO BORDEAUX, France: 28. September - 6. October
KINO LILLE, France: 5. - 7. October
KINO RS Boucherville, Québec, Canada: 28. - 30. September (French-speaking)
KINO PORQUEROLLES, France: 21. - 28. October
KINOMX, Mexico City: 26. Oct - 9. Nov (Day-of-the-Dead Kino. Almost Europe :-)
KINOEATERS POWER Lublin, Poland: 29. Oct - 5. Nov @ Lublin Film Festival
KINO GALICIA, Santiago de Compostela, Spain: 29. October - 3. November (1st time)
KINO NAPOLI, Italy: 26. - 28. December (Grande Vento - Mini Kabaret)
QUICKINO Berlin, Germany: 26. - 31. December
EXAMPLE FILM: Proverbial Luck (152 Festivals, 24 awards) by Dave & Steffi
KINO GENEVA*, Switzerland: 9. - 19. JanuaryKINO VARCO ROMA, Italy: 10. - 12. February (Valentine warm-up)KINO NORTH WEST Liverpool, United Kingdom: 19. - 21. February (first time, powered by FILMONIK)KINO M Munich, Germany: 3. - 5. March (Rites of Spring)KINO CAEN, France: 31. March - 7. April (Leviathan)KINOEATERS START Lublin, Poland: 9. - 15. AprilKINO TLV Tel Aviv, Israel: 11. - 17. April (Fantasy Kabaret)KINO BELLEVILLE Paris, France: 13. - 20. May (City of Love)KINODATSCHELeipzig, Germany: 15. - 21. May (Rock-n-Rollas)KINO GIENO Dresden, Germany: 18. - 20. May (Dresden cries out for love)KINO KREACTION Liege, Belgium: 21. - 27. May (Gorillastic)KINOSFERA Madrid, Spain: 25. - 28. May (Caramba)KINO M Munich, Germany: 2. - 4. June (Summer Fun)KINO BASEL, Switzerland: 9. - 16. June (say CHEEEESE)KINOEATERS TURBO Lublin, Poland: 15. - 18. June (Run, Forrest, Run)openKINO Brussels @ Festival Mondial des Cinemas Sauvages, Belgium: 20. - 26. June (open source film tools workshop)TARRAGONIKTarragona, Spain: 30. June - 2. July (Mucho Gusto)CHATO'KINO Chateau-Gontier, France: 2. - 5. JulyKINO EUPHORIA Helsinki, Finland: 6. - 15. July (The King in the North)KINO PRISHTINA, Kosovo @ PriFest: 13. - 20. JulyHAMBURGERKINO, Germany: 14. - 22. July (Number 15 - Grand Senior HK)KINOEATERS RESET Lublin, Poland: 21. - 28. July (completely free, Summer vacation, 90% full)KINO CAIRANO seeded by KINO NAPOLI, Italy: 1. - 5. AugustKINODYNAMIQUE Vienna, Austria: 14. - 21. August (Viel Schmäh)KINO CAROLO Charleroi, Belgium: 19. - 25. AugustKINOLAB Kolomna near Moscow, Russia: 24. August - 2. September (Кинематографисты для дружбы)KINO STABIA near Napoli, Italy: 25. August - 1. September (Asharam Santa Caterina)KINODYNAMIQUE Jena, Germany: 27. August - 3. September (German humor)CORUÑA KINO SHORTWEEK , Spain: 27. August - 3. SeptemberCANCELLEDKINO VARCO ROMA, Italy: 3. - 9. September (Girl Power)KINO M Munich, Germany: 8. - 17. September (Oktoberfest Warm-Up)KINO PA Palermo, Italy: 10. - 17. September (Skinny Dipping)KINO KOSICE, Slovakia: 21. - 24. SeptemberKINO BORDEAUX, France: 22. - 30. SeptemberKINO PORK ‘N’ ROLL, Porquerolles, France: 1. - 8. October (Maritime)KINO 93 SEINE Saint-Denis, Pantin, France: 3. - 7. OctoberKINO MAINZ, Germany: 6. - 9. October(postponed)CINEMA SUMEET Collogne, Germany: 20. - 28. October Filmercamp + KabaretCULT OF EUPHORIA Helsinki: 27. - 29. October (Horror Kino)KINO NORTH WEST Manchester, United Kingdom: 7. - 11. November (spirit of Filmonik - register now!)KINOEATERS POWER @ LUBLIN FILM FESTIVAL, Poland: 23. November - 3. December (95 % booked, all for free)KINO ROVANIEMI, Finland / Lapland: 8. - 10. DecemberKINO NAPOLI, Italy: 27. - 29. December (Grande Vento III - Mini Kabaret)
KINO GENEVA*, Switzerland: 18. - 28. JanuaryKINO BOAT, Liège, Belgium: 15. - 18. FebruaryKINOLINI Malta, 20. - 25. MarchKINO CAEN, France: 25. March - 1. April (Number 5)KINO DRAMAWAS Innsbruck, Austria: 28. March - 2. April (Alpine Kino Number 3)KINOPHILIA Linz, Austria: 3. - 10. April (2nd time)KINO KONG Istanbul, Turkey: 15. - 17. April (1st time)KINO BELLEVILLE Paris, France: 16. - 23. AprilVastarannan Kino Rovaniemi, Finland: 20. - 24. AprilKINO PRISHTINA, Kosovo @ PriFest: 22. - 29. AprilKINO TLV Tel Aviv, Israel: 23. - 30. April (INTL. KINOKABARET* Brussels, Belgium: 28. April - 7. May (Number 13)KINO ST. PETERSBURG, Russia: 29. April - 6. MayHAMBURGERKINO, Germany: 13. - 15. May (Turbo)KINO BOLOGNA, Italy: 16. - 19. MayKINO 5 Vienna, Austria: 21. - 23. May (Mini-Kabaret)KINO VARCO ROMA, Italy: 21. - 30. MayKINO NAPOLI, Italy: 2. - 9. June 2016 (2nd time)KINO MADRID, Spain: 9. - 12. June (1st time)KINOLAB Moscow, Russia: 10. - 18. June (2nd time)KINOEATERS TURBO Lublin, Poland: 24. - 26. June (completely free)KINO DATSCHE Leipzig, Germany: 24. June - 3. July (2nd time)TARRAGONIKTarragona, Spain: 1. - 3. JulyKINO EUPHORIA Helsinki, Finland: 7. - 16. JulyHAMBURGERKINO, Germany: 16. - 23. July (Number 14, gigantic mega-kabaret)KINO M Munich, Germany: 22. - 31. JulyKINOEATERS RESET Lublin + Kazimierz Dolny, Poland: 23. - 31. JulyCINEMA SUMEET Cologne (Köln), Germany: 29. July - 7. AugustKinoKabaret Basel, Switzerland: 2. - 7. AugustKINO PRIZREN, Kosovo @ DOKU: FEST 5. - 13. AugustKINO MAINZ, Germany: 8. - 14. August (cancelled)KINO D Dublin, Ireland: 14. - 21. AugustKINODYNAMIQUE Jena, Germany: 21. - 29. AugustKINO MOUTARDE Morvan, France: 21. - 28. AugustOFF COURTS* Trouville, France: 2. - 10. SeptemberKINO PA Palermo, Italy: 12. - 18. SeptemberKINOCTAMBULE Saint-Étienne, France: 16. - 24. SeptemberWROC & ROLL KINO European Capital of Culture 2016 - Wrocław, Poland: 17. - 24. SeptemberKINO ADRIATIC* Split, Croatia: 18. - 21. SeptemberKINO BARCINO Barcelona, Spain: 22. - 24. SeptemberKINO SESSION Bordeaux, France: 29. September - 8. OctoberMY STORY - KINO DATSCHE Leipzig, Germany: 30.9. - 2.10.KINO BUDAPEST, Hungary: 14. - 20. OctoberKINOBERLINO, Germany: 22. - 30. OctoberKINO MONTPELLIER Kabaret ROYAL, France: 30. October - 5. NovemberKINO CUNTRA Graz, Austria: 6. - 13. November (number 7)KINOEATERS POWER Lublin @ GOLDEN ANTEATERS FILM FEST, Poland: 18. - 27. November (sold out, accepting more locals)Vastarannan Kino Rovaniemi, Finland: 25. - 27. November (second time)KINO FRANKFURT (am Main), Germany: 25. - 28. November (first time)KINO M Munich, Germany: 2. - 4. DecemberKINO NAPOLI, Italy: 27.- 29. December (Grande Vento II - Mini Kabaret)
HAMBURGERKINO, Germany: 16. - 18. January - Turbo KabaretKINO D, Dublin, Ireland: 24. - 25. JanuaryKINO M Munich, Germany: 4. - 9. February - Long Weekend KabaretKINO GAP, Champoléon, France: 24. February - 1. March - Alpine KinoKINO CUNTRA Graz, Austria: 19. - 23. MarchKINO D, Dublin, Ireland: 21. - 22. March (weekend)KINO PRAHA, Prague, Czech Republic 24. - 29. MarchKINO CAEN, France: 27. March - 3. AprilKINO DRAMAWAS Innsbruck, Austria: 30. March - 4. April - Alpine KinoFILMONIK Manchester, United Kingdom: 2. - 5. April - Mini KabaretKINO TLV Tel Aviv, Israel: 4. - 11. April (1st time)KINO GENT Nogent-le-Rotrou, France: 4. - 6. April (weekend)KINO DATSCHE Leipzig, Germany: 6. - 12. April (1st time)KINO LIEGE, Belgium: 12. - 18. AprilKINOPHILIA Linz, Austria: 15. - 22. April (1st time)KINO BELLEVILLE Paris, France: 17. - 24. AprilINTL. KINOKABARET Brussels, Belgium: 22. April - 2. MayKINOLAB Moscow, Russia: 30. April - 7. May (Register until March 26)KINO M Munich, Germany: 8. - 17. MayKINO D Dublin, Ireland: 23. - 24. May (weekend)HAMBURGERKINO, Germany: 30. May - 6. June (sold out, registration closed)KINO NAPOLI, Italy: 11. - 18. June (sold out, registration closed)Ibiza Back²Life, Spain: 15. - 21. June (Island Kabaret only once)KINO BRISSAC, France: 19. - 27. June - KINO MONTPELLIER feat. KINO (B)WROC & ROLL KINO Wroclaw, Poland: 27. June - 3. JulyKINO MOSCOW, Russia: 1. - 10. JulyCHATO'KINO Chateau-Gontier, France: 2. - 5. JulyKINO EUPHORIA, Helsinki, Finland: 2. - 10. JulyKINO D Dublin, Ireland: 12. - 19. JulyFILMONIK Manchester, United Kingdom: 25. July - 2. AugustKINOKABARET @ LAGO Filmfest, Italy: 27. - 30. July (first time)KINO DYNAMIQUE VIENNA, Austria: 7. - 14. August (Number 11)KINO PRIZREN, Kosovo: 9. - 13. AugustKINO PAL Jenin, Palestine: ??? AugustKINOFABRIK BASEL, Switzerland: 11. - 16. AugustKINO MAINZ, Germany: 15. - 21. AugustKINO CAROLO Charleroi, France: 22. - 30. August (first time)KINOMOUTARDE Dijon, Morvan, France: 23. - 29. August (sold out)KINO TOULOUSE, France: 24. - 29. AugustKINOBERLINO, Germany: 29. August - 6. September (Number 12)OFF COURTS Trouville, France: 4. - 12. SeptemberKINODYNAMIQUE Jena, Germany: 7. - 18. SeptemberKINO PA Palermo, Italy: 14. - 19. SeptemberKINO PRAHA Prague, Czech Republic 18. - 25. September
KINOCTAMBULE Saint-Étienne, France: 19. - 26. SeptemberHAMBURGERKINO, Germany: 19. - 20. September - Turbo KabaretKINO CUNTRAGraz, Austria: 23. - 30. SeptemberKINO PANAME Paris, France: 26. September - 3. OctoberKINO PORK ‘N’ ROLL, Porquerolles, France: 5. - 11. OctoberKIF KINO(b) Brussels, Belgium: 18. - 25. OctoberKINO GIENO Dresden, Germany: 22. - 25. OctoberKINODOK Brussels, Belgium: 5. - 10. NovemberMontpellier International KinoKabaret, France: 15. - 22. NovemberKINOEATERS Lublin, Poland: 20. - 28. November (first time, sold out)Vastarannan Kino Rovaniemi, Finland: 20. - 22. November (first time)L-KAB International Brussels, Belgium: 25. - 29. November
KINO NAPOLI, Italy: 27. - 29. December 2015 (Grande Vento)KINO M Munich, Germany: 27. - 30. December 2015 (Kino Final)